MATES Accreditation

Congratulations to our Northern team on becoming the first project management office in NZ to gain MATES in Construction Accreditation. This represents a huge amount of work by our Core Business Improvement Focus Group 3b driving our broader outcomes initiatives with Jamie, Darragh and Milly leading the charge to take our Northern team through the MATES accreditation journey.

MATES CEO Victoria McArthur captures the mahi that everyone from our Northern team gave to making accreditation happen.  "By qualifying for MATES accreditation, TBIG Northern have gone through a programme of lifting the teams capability in mental wellness and suicide prevention. I want to applaud TBIG as our first consultant / Project Management office to gain accreditation. This is a great leadership move by your organisation who are not only looking after the safety and wellbeing of your team, but also all those you interact with across projects. Well done TBIG, you’re paving the way for the industry.”

TBIG’s Project Director Jamie Summers puts our journey in these words, “I am proud of the effort made by the TBIG Northern team to achieve the accredited status. I would also like to thank MATES for the essential work they do in our industry to support mental health and suicide awareness."

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